Insectyumz (Insect Food Pte Ltd) is featured on Detik Semasa 2024/2025, Episode 13 on Channel Suria!
Singapore Influencer Chow Jia Hui tasting and reviewing edible insects from Insectyumz!
House of Seafood Invites Insectyumz! (Insect Food Pte Ltd)

Thank you CNBC International for featuring our Edible Insects!


早报校园, ZBSchools gathering student's opinion on our Insectyumz (Insect Pte Ltd) edible insects!
Thrive the Business Times trying out Insectyumz! (Insect Food Pte Ltd)
Mediacorp Yes 933 DJs trying out Insectyumz! (Insect Food Pte Ltd)
Members of the Public trying Edible Insects from Insectyumz (Insect Food Pte L) for the first time!
Insectyumz (Insect Food Pte Ltd) featured on Mediacorp Class 95 by Muttons in the Morning!
Insectyumz (Insect Food Pte Ltd) featured on Channel 8 news!

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